

TIME Foundation (Bulgaria) is the lead partner of the Ecotips 2.0 project and, together with the RCCI, is responsible for the project activities implemented on the territory of Bulgaria. EMAS registered since 2011, TIME Foundation is a non-governmental organization working in the sphere of education for sustainable development and environmental management. Its core activities are related to environmental training of professionals and delivering environmental education for young people in schools and universities.

Stoyan Faldjiyski
Gergana Gencheva
Kamen Chipev


Камен бе човекът вдъхновил ecotoolkit, създаването на този инструмент и използването му в България. 

Groupe One (Belgium) is the inventor of Ecotips and the Ecoscan concept. This non-governmental organization, along with ECE, is responsible for the implementation of the project activities in Belgium.

21 Solutions (Belgium) 21 Solutions is a consultancy, based in Brussels, created in 2008, as a spin-off of Eco-Conseil Entreprise, a company with 10 years experience on sustainable development and environmental management. 21 Solutions brings together the experience of five experts in the fields of eco-counselling, environmental management and sustainable development. 21 Solutions supports projects which aim to achieve a more socially inclusive approach to sustainable development and assists the public, private and third sectors in this process, covering topics from sustainable development and Local Agenda 21 to EMAS/ISO14001, green building, sustainable architecture and biodiversity.  I collaboration with Groupe One, 21 Solutions organises the trainings in Belgium.

Marcel Van Meesche

Alessandra Kegeleirs

Ruse Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria) is a non-governmental organization working in support of local businesses in the region of Ruse. Together with TIME Foundation, RCCI is implementing the Ecotips 2.0 trainings in Bulgaria.

Milen Dobrev

Petya Gancheva

Lora Hristova

Jordan Petrov

Notranjska Ecological Center (Slovenia) is a non-governmental organization responsible for the project in Slovenia. NEC also operates as a competence centre for project management, entrepreneurship, education, sustainable development and rural development.

Tomaž Stojanovič


Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (Estonia) is a key national expert on environment and energy, sustainable development and number of policy issues in the Estonian society. SEI - Tallin is responsible for the Ecotips 2.0 project in Estonia.

Maarja Jõe

Evelin Urbel-Piirsalu